What is DarkZoid?

DarkZoid is ...

A "SAFE" Place to hide ... or show-off ... your own shit!

A transition back to a personal online journal with posts that you can optionally chose to share.

It's primary focus is to be a safe place to write down your thoughts without fear of being judged by others.

It's a place where you control your data, what content is shared with others and whether or not it ever disappears from "The [eternal] Web". DarkZoid defaults to a content not shared status and the user has to actively decide to share the content and with whom.

A place where censoreship is minimal. Everyone has their own opinions and has a right to their opinions, as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others. As of this moment, the only thing that will be sensored are shared posts that promote hate or harm to others. If a user is a cronic offender of this one aspect, they will still be able to make journal entries but will lose their ability to share them.